Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Life at Moolamattom-2

Small Incident in school

I think this happened one day in school in the month of June/July. School re-opened in the month of June and I was a new comer at that time. As I told, I was basically a very shy student. And since all of them were new to come, I took even more time to open up.

I don’t remember in which bench I was sitting at that time, anyway not in the front seat. It has to be in 3rd or 4th bench from the front. I think it was in seventh period (In total we had 8 periods/subjects) and someone sitting close to me whistled in the class. Teacher was taking the class and she somehow noted it. The sound might have come from the direction in which I was sitting and she thought it was me. At that time I didn’t even knew how to blow a whistle. So she asked me, if it was me who did, I told no. She didn’t believe me and I think she asked few others in the class. They also told that they heard sound from my side. Oh God, I was in trouble.

Teacher told me to go and meet headmistress immediately. Our headmistress Sr. Cyril was a terror at that time. So I was really afraid to go to her room. Somehow I went to the room and told the whole story. She was in no mood to believe what I told her and I got scolding from her. Did she beat me? I think so. But that was OK. Worse was about to come.

In our school we used to have prayers the before and after the classes every day. There was a mike set in Sr. Cyril’s room and there used to be a team in school who used to recite the prayers every day. The punishment that I got that day was to whistle in the mike after the prayer for the day. Imagine my situation when I didn’t know how to whistle at that age. She told me that I will be able to leave home only if whistle in front of the mike. Was I able to make some sort of noise in front of the mike? I’m not sure,but I think I was able to make some noise and leave for the day.

I told about this thing to Achan and Amma that day itself. I was very sad that nobody in the school was ready to believe me. But things were much better at home. You can imagine the happiness that it brought to me. I was really happy when Achan told that he will check the matter with headmistress. He came down to school in couple of day’s time and I was also called to the room of headmistress. This time they believed me and I was really happy.

Couple of years later, one of my friends told that he had lied that day to teacher. He knew the person who whistled that day and that was his best friend. So to save his best friend from punishment, he lied to the teachers. What was there in my mind when I heard that? I really don't know. Anyway I always believe delayed justice is denied justice.

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