Thursday, June 10, 2010

Life at Moolamattom-4

My love for cricket

As a young boy I was very much interested in playing different games. I was not a very good athlete and I was more in to games like cricket and football. Cricket was more easy for me as I was not the fastest of the movers around. Those days we didn’t play cricket near our quarters.I think I learned playing cricket by watching TV and playing with my cousins.

My friends who were staying in another part of colony had started playing cricket and they used to discuss cricket in school. So I felt I was left out of the group and I wanted to be part of them soon. I was waiting for an opportunity so that I could also join them and play cricket. One day we went to school only to know that there won’t be any classes for the day. I heard my friends saying that they will play cricket. I decided to join them.

Problem was, during those day we didn’t have any mobile phones to call and tell folks at home about our plan and I didn’t want to miss out the opportunity to make a name for myself among cricket playing students group. So I got down from the school bus at their place and started playing with them. I knew that I will be in trouble once I reach home but I still wanted to play. Another reason why I wanted to play was they were playing with good cricket bat and I have never used them till then.
I really liked playing with that bat and it was good fun when we were playing. I think Achan took me home when he went home for lunch. No prizes for guessing what followed.:-) Since I had never expected a hero’s welcome at home, I think it was OK. Now I can imagine the tension that my mother must have gone through when she didn’t see me along with others. She would have asked Kingini but then she also didn’t know where I was. But then it was all the problem with technology. Why didn’t they invent mobile phones those days?? Am I to blame for that?? No way.

Seriously speaking, I should not have done that. It was my love for cricket and chance to play with new cricket bat that urged me to do it. But that’s not a justification for what I did that day. My love for cricket is still intact and these days I fight for TV remote with Anju when ever there is match on TV.

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